Wednesday, December 30, 2009
excuse me, just organizing my thoughts
when we make a social contract, we need to base it (or its enforcement) on something outside of the contract itself (ie the formation of a constitution cannot be done by constitutional means).
the more alien to us the mechanism we choose in order to do this, the more alien the social contract (alien? outside? different? abstract?). or vice versa - the more abstract the social construct, the more abstract its mechanism of enforcement.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Stop slamming the fucking door (an exercise in resisting closure)
like a dream but verifiable by other articulate beings
Sunday, December 27, 2009
hark, it is the dawning of the
reminds of a waterfall in a nether world
rush & shush & rush & shush
suddenly BLAM! KERPLAM! (just kidding).
at the dinner table i am an elitist
[and? so? i've traveled galaxies, fought wars, raised monuments - i've lived for so long my beginnings are lost to memory - i love myself and i love you - so yes, i am a lelitist]
at the gay club i am a spectacle
[and what about the 35 year old lumberjack wearing a thong and tight leather pants pulled down under the thong, grinding on a metal bar - why are all the middle-aged guys watching chris and i? why did we bother with 21+ night?]
at night, wrapped in sweaty limbs, believe it or not, i am a star -
[i didn't see it coming - they and they and they didn't see it coming - but in the end, everybody is coming]
but only in pittsburgh.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Fanfare for Ms. E. F. C
Erstwhile Englishwoman in the County of Fyfe (after the Thane thereof)
Scholar and Soon-to-be Asset Manager
Cross-Atlantic Nomad
All-Around Encyclopedia of Minutiae
Former Co-President of the Dramatic Society
Receiver of a Glass of White Wine
my friend, Former Citizen of My Heart
Quoth the Economics Student, "It's not like I'm going to be happy anyway, so I might as well do a job that makes me a good deal of money. Then I can retire and do what I like." Quoth the Follower of Dr. Johnson and Adam Smith, "It's hard to do a thing you love, why ruin it? Get out, while you can." Quoth she, "No one around me has got their head screwed on right."
Wearer of Sensible Winter Coats and Good Jeans
Attendant of Assessment Pools
(which I gather are rather like group auditions)
Applicant to the Financial Giant J.P. Morgan Stanley
Half of Matt and Emma
Recaller of the Tiny Details of the Political Machinations of the Alma Mater
(and Extensive Recounter thereof)
Drinker of Blue Drinks
Giver of Earfuls
Former Partner-In-Crime
I can't really remember half the people she mentions in conversation. My mind is going is my excuse. That time I puked so hard vessels burst in my eyes cleared away most of 2004-2005. Don't mind me, I'm listening.
She says, "You know, [insert favorite teacher here] once told me that she was worried about you. Sort of unsure of where you would end up. Of who you'd be." I open my mouth to speak as this is news to me, but these days it's hard to get a word in edgewise. The last time we saw each other, she was but two days out of the removal of her wisdom teeth and still talked my ear off for nigh on seven turnings of the hour. I think, "We're not all that different, you and me, scrabbling for happiness on this unhappy plain."
I think, "Remember the evening when we were at school late and no one was around and it was pouring (like it is tonight) and we ran out onto the field made of ASTROTURF and dumped cans of Coke onto their precious and expensive lacrosse/field hockey pitch in an act of nascent radical violence? Before we knew those words? And how we howled in the night and ran giggling back inside to the stares of our less-bedraggled classmates and winked at each other for the offense we had committed? Do you remember? Well, do you?"
Helena to my Hermia
Shylock to my Bassanio
One Half of a Pair of Strange Little Girls
Citizen of My Heart
Friday, December 25, 2009
nothing happens Here or There
back to a bedroom with walls striped of posters, of song lyrics carved into doorframes, windows meant to be “picturesque”—catch a glimpse of a frozen retention pond, a plastic snowglobe deflating on someone’s lawn. catch a glimpse of the neighbors who make people nervous because they Drink (the husband sits in his garage all night, calls out to me sometimes, used to be lewd until i cut my hair), the neighbors who make people nervous because the husband is Black and the wife is Puerto Rican but they are Very Successful Doctors so it must be some kind of mistake—they’re White like everyone else.
back to drawers stocked with forgotten clothes, shelves stacked with books read before i really “got it”—before all of the genderfucking, the fucking, the privilege-examining, the late nights spent talking, talking, talking about what it all meant, before i positioned myself in a context where Before was something that Never Actually Happened.
back to where they first started staring, started asking that broken record of a question: are you a Boy or a Girl?
answer: Sometimes.
i am writing this blog in the closest thing to a Local Café. i am writing this blog at Panera.
two soccer moms are loudly pondering which bathroom “It” will use when “It” looks as though It might be heading in that direction, towards the pair of gendered doors where It might reveal Itself. Boy or Girl. A or B. (in high school I was notorious for overanalyzing multiple choice tests; talked my way into writing papers instead). they are sorely disappointed. “It” just wanted a glass of water.
back to filling up days with documentaries, unnecessary tasks on To Do lists, five hundred pages into fiction. escape escape escape. wake up breathing hard because It was dreaming about fucking again but It couldn’t figure out how It was doing It. body thrown into uncertainty worse than before because now It has two and It brought the Wrong one back Here, the Here where That Shit Is Fucked Up. always.
Chicago in five days—back to too many phonecalls and connections. organize, organize do the “good work” because someone has to, because It is selfish enough to want things for Itself that must be granted by Others.
escape escape escape bodies and politics in theory, in costumes, in play. how?
i am stuck in places the way songs stick in my head.
to be read aloud in one or many funny accents
Up smoke and hopeful hate,
Ahead is not the past,
Tomorrow was my fate.
There is a dream where
hyenas rain in catfish dance
in pitter-patter lockstep gears,
twitching, clutching -
and sniffing tells the inescapable truth
of the tornado
which is just a hyena catfish,
after all.
In inter-strung webs I weep.
What it means is up to the lantern,
but as of now straight laters toss up angled, noble heads
and open gnarled, able mouths
and unleash the call of honest complaint,
but it's hidden - drowned! out
by a mile,
out by the shush-a-rush and that old thing, the frown,
old and solid like a smell in the dark
until next time when it'll be just the same but you know -
I'm here and I write what I hear.
Clearly there are tunnels with
purpling wispy fingers and
other stalks which extend,
in boom and bloom,
and then heave up from out the ground.
And when they heave out, unbeknownst to them,
they also heave in,
for all is tunnels, and all tunnels look alike.
You have a cushion
I have a cushion
Your voice is orange-green crystal tubes
and full pitchers of sangria seaglass
My voice is ash.
If you squint and tilt your head just a little,
like this,
you'll see that my name is Gerard,
my nose is courageous,
my hair is wispy and fair,
my glasses askew,
and I come bearing baguettes.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
tonight i took time
and most of the stars and a snowdrunk deer
...and they said hello back!
Monday, December 21, 2009
coconut milk coffee
Proposition Hawaii: PEOPLE ARE HAPPY IN PARADISE. Everything is one (what do you mean? a tree? a root? how do you see it? no, just everything. you don't see it, you feel it. what kind of feeling? pre-conscious, conscious? just a feeling, a giant crashing wave)
The organic farmers here are young and dreadlocked, beaming with the quiet energy of having sat by a fire for a week brewing shamanic potions. debord is shrinking in my pocket, theft has been replaced by eating coconuts and papayas from the trees, smoking abundant bird-feeder weed with papaya branches.
the next few months are going to be exhilirating. why fight capitalism when you can escape it? (HOHOHOHOHO)
nastiness, critical theory, anarchy, sm have been saving graces in a cold world whose pleasures are not in the stars or close to earth. but it's been a bubble all the same, university but also cities, having always lived in mega megalopolises.
I can't imagine that digging my hands into the earth for two months will entirely replace years of twisted fascinations with funeral oratories to president bush, singing transvestites, slapping, clowning--- the CULTURE AND SOPHISTICATION OF CITY LIFE. but but but my body is ready to get off the grid.
baohaus love! A different altar that even in paradise shoves itself up my ass. detox detox detox (ahi fish? chicago? paradise?)I miss each one of you hard.
too quiet too long
ive said for years that when i die id like a close friend to sign into my account and post the status "____ is dead." the idea is less apt now that the facebook format changes all the time, but i'm still a little obsessed with the idea. what the fuck does that mean? kids i knew in high school would probably learn about my death via facebook. someone else's status update posted on their "newsfeed" trickles down the digital shitstream and they receive it...where? just after waking up? in a subway? in an airport? "_____ is dead." oh shit! did you even know him? you've learned about it so quickly that you can't read my obituary (would i have one?). you could maybe find an account of someone's intention to figure out my cause of death. i imagine someone with a set of dentist's instruments delicately lifting up sections of skin to see what's inside. oh shit! it's a kidney. but chances are if im dead it was a car crash, a freak fall off the roof. maybe a riptide drowning. hows the weather in LA? it's so great it's pulling me under the surface and im dead. oh shit! it's a lung, and it's full of salt water.
speaking of death, i might go see the most expensive movie ever made today.
free glitter for all
she kept asking: if everyone stole, wouldn’t they shut down the store and then the people who worked there would be worse off? she said she could get on board with liberating bread/food (the necessaries) but not glitter since i make well enough money to buy glitter.
(of course, this isn’t quite the point...nobody should be paying $5 for glitter, unless they want to.) she was into the idea of gift economies, freestores, how dumb it is that all of the excess of clothes/craft supplies/etc. in peoples’ basements can’t somehow be put back into a free exchange system...but the idea of liberating glitter “made her stomach turn.”
any tips on sharing the pleasure of freeshopping? connecting these liberal-altruistic principles to a sense of injustice/outrage/subversion? or even just talking about “liberation” and getting past the stigma/fear/shame...? (do you see it as a way of coping in a shitty capitalist world and/or a strike against the chain itself?)
i imagine this is something many of you have talked/worked through in your own thinking or with others...any advice or zine/reading recs i could pass along, by comment or email, would be much much appreciated.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
seven feet, four inches, five hundred and forty pounds
tmo's post about being home resounded a lot with me--the sneakitude, the stars, the weight of rules, regulations, and roofs in the name of "love." (here's a thought, snatched crudely from politics is not a banana: we kill each other more than we kill our enemies, and that's a problem.)
my attempts to break through the layers of gardentalk, jobtalk, schooltalk with my mother have resulted in the repeated prod: "whew, you like these deep conversations. i just want to enjoy your company while you're here." i turn over and over in my mind what kind of "pleasantry" is possible when every domestic conflict is a painful-to-watch-[for-me] spectacle of miscommunication, money money money and a desire to feel attached and together, gone about in all the wrong ways (faith, malls, movies...)
concretely, then,
i've been chilling with the lelster a lot, finding our way around the quiet pittsburgh nightlife scene (funny, since the last time i was here pittsburgh was full o riot-ready cops) looking for the loud queermos whose voices don't quite echo as far as the suburbs. on thursday we went to lawrenceville, in and out of bars too loud for talk and we played a game of pool at remedy. yesterday, we organized a meeting of families, went to the warhol museum and saw this exhibit on shepard fairy (OBEY/andre the giant has a posse/etc.) i wonder if my sneakers will ever be in a museum. my parents/sister had bought tickets to the pittsburgh renaissance choir (a gay men's choir and gay women's choir) show, which turned out to be a spectacle of charity and money and balding white sweatervested gay couples. i watched the ASL interpreter and learned the signs for "king" and "lord" and "christmas day." then i darted off to explore lawrenceville some more, danced a little to gaga et al at brillobox and then had a beer with some gorgeous drag queens at blue moon.
as easy as it is to be critical, i've been struggling to find optimistic reframings. i've been fighting regret, refusing to entertain the concept in myself and rooting it out in others....regret (and the resulting shame, guilt, self-pitying, self-hatred, loss of agency, complaining, sadness) seems to me to invite a sense of paralysis. life is not as easily accessible and editable as a google doc. in lieu of existential "back" buttons, i'll keep you updated on my campaign against regret.
6. somehow half my clothes are too clean and the other half smell like pee and come. hmmmm.
7. i miss the baohaus already.
8. i hope you are all alive and in touch with your vitality. to new squidlings: post without thinking, don't wait for the "right" idea to strike and instead strike with something bumpy and malformed. (anyway, that's how i like it.)
(soundtrack: something bollywood...)
Friday, December 18, 2009
my own pictures, forthcoming wowowowowoww
Thursday, December 17, 2009
dead leaves and the dirty ground
and eventually got in a pure act of sneakitude
didn't fix that headache
and now you're not sure what's wrong with you
or if you'll ever be un-tired again
now we don't put much stock in the poets
in their iambs and so on
but oh
have i told you about the sky out here at night?
f u c k i t i s n ' t o r a n g e
saw every single constellation you could think of last night
pinhead clear and sparkling
the swan and both dippers
orion and the bear
all up there twinkling
like twinkling is still a thing you can do in this day and age
so much that if john donne or even that idiot wordsworth
were to sneak up behind me
and whisper something about the majesty of nature
i would hear it
possibly believe it
the veins of twigs and branches
the slashes of trunks across the sky
thrown up against the convex lens above us
the lone voice in the silent woods
roaring down the backroads with something to say
kick your boots off at the door
wrap yourself up tight in that blanket
and watch the creeping woods
til you can watch no more
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
"guilty robots"
Thursday, December 10, 2009
a small anecdote of utter unimportance

i suppose there's something in the idea that people relate to their own dirtiness differently based on the soap they choose (or avoid).
mostly i would like
to fill your mouth
with my foam
and your foamy saliva
inject with my lips-o-suction
until we are dry
and curseless
and all of the jargon is gone,
replaced by oooooooooooze.
(say it say it do it do it)
oh and also, i hope ev's last post can create some reallife conversations here at the bao...i'd rather tackle feelings in realtime sometimes rather than commenting on posts, but i think we can collectively agree that we are all in the habit of seeing/reading/consuming more than we can acknowledge or are expected to/expect ourselves to engage with. the blog is perhaps the closest place i've seen on the web to some kind of reciprocity. and i like how it weaves in and out of conversation and life. so i'm glad you posted ev and i hope it can be a bridge between webworld and the living room to have some kind of further conversation or something.
< / meta-mediation-of-mediatedness >
back to the paperbox, bye!
2. at right, figure B. "foam or shit?" from "the abbreviated index of poor materials for sharpening giant pencils" (2)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
This is how I heard it.
It's the little things, it's always the little things.
Is it a big deal for one of us to ask another person to stop doing something if it bothers them? No. Of course not, but for the record, I felt like I was talked to last night for a split second like a dog or a stupid child. Even if it wasn't intentional, even if maybe Eliot or Tamara or Eli don't "see" it that way, I felt humiliated and angry because I felt like someone had said, "BAD DOG" to me.
I know I have a short fuse, I know that as a result, I "ruined" the rest of the game, which I had been thoroughly excited about, and I'm sorry about that, sincerely. I know that my anger was perhaps disproportionate to the offense, but I felt belittled and disrespected. The room felt tense immediately after I was yelled at.
and yet no one said anything until I had made a fool of myself. So I felt doubly stupid. Stupid child feels humiliated because teacher yells, "STUPID CHILD" but none of the other children say a word.
"Hey, Evelyn, could you stop doing that, it's bothering me."
I spent a really long time trying to figure out how I felt about this, and I don't like that when I tried to explain it this afternoon, I was told that how I felt wasn't valid. That only reaffirmed that I was being treated as lesser, invalid, and like a stupid child or dog. It doesn't matter if you didn't mean to make me feel that way, you succeeded, triumphantly.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
deep deep deep in an underground vault with no walls: a short essay on essays
alack, alack!
the hail earlier today hit my face sharply, a welcome relief from the nebulous cloud of nonsense (see fig.2) that i breathe in when i try hard to focus on the cloud without thinking about its units of nonsense. (but what is a unit of nonsense? and would not the cloud bring me greater nourishment than a tiny unit thereof?)
fuck time, i will refuse to disintegrate and somehow forge forward.

in contradictions
when they begin
to melt
all over

i demand more!
it's too much! do you really need to--
totally overlooked.

(how can the time be now? i'm not ready yet!)
the world is as it is because it is as it should be and
all is how it should be because it is how it is
(***reference proof for "why giraffes go up in lifts," car cemetery 12(4):2009)

and of all possibilities
we are left with the comfort that:
all things are possible
which we can conceive of as possible!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
film updates
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Exhortation now that we're older
Learn to interact with, face up to, acknowledge, and form opinions on
- borders
- edges of bodies
- skin and cell membranes
- tripartite religions and storylines and how every bullet pointed list must contain more than three bullet points
- spacing in text
- silence and noise (John Cage and his listless mumble)
- line breaks
- the place where exhaling ends and inhaling begins or the other way around
- lines, queues, waiting
- age
Goal Three: Stop ignoring these questions. Stop ignoring structure. You must decide whether or not it is your friend. Prose is not the only model of living. But also, don't jolt awake when your dreams follow some semblance of reality, when there is story-line. Regard every impulse with suspicion. See if you can reformat not only your words but your very neurons.
unlearn your functions
and here
the thing is
for your consideration...
whole text is at
"Army of Altruists: On the alienated right to do good
By David Graeber
Harper's Magazine 2007
You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq. -- Senator John Kerry (Democrat, Massachusetts)
Kerry owes an apology to the many thousands of Americans serving in Iraq, who answered their country's call because they are patriots and not because of any deficiencies in their education. -- Senator John McCain (Republican, Arizona)"
(continue reading here)
from the warm&quiet isolation of the regenstein,
Friday, December 4, 2009
fuck all states
from my journal, laden.
building on last week's lengthy show
and all being equal (compared to what?)
certainly headworms' collidyskope sighs
collect, suspect in fortune and blue
as surely as the bureaucrats
turn cartwheels in the dew
Thursday, December 3, 2009
anti-globalization + conditions of possibility
(all available on youtube.)
kala - ali farka toure and toumani diabate - in the heart of the moon
mouse on mars - diskdusk
uske orchestra - mouse on mars remix
aphex twin - rubber johnny - (with movie by chris cunningham)
von sudenfed - fledermaus can't get it - (movie by chris cunningham)
aphex twin - windowlicker
aphex twin - come to daddy
christian zehnder - wat i no
concerto for violin, mvmt 1 - debussy
mr. ozlo - flat beat
micheal herges (guitar)
summertime - sarah vaughn (sp?)
add 1 bottle of wine per person, or substitute.
dead birds
Everything about her sags—skin sagging off the bone, sagging until it sways and dips into the gravy that I cannot and will not eat. This is her first Thanksgiving without my grandfather.
The new baby is all badsmells and bugeyes. My little cousin sings politcally-incorrect songs about Indian chiefs. Oh, happy day of mass genocide! Oh, happy day when aunts and uncles gorge themselves with beer and birdmeat!
word vomit
churning burning twirling whirling
fucking my shit UP
there are scratches at my door and scars all down my left side
from impromptu costume design when feeling feels hard
grasping at straws, trying to breathe,
trying to ease into some happiness here,
smooth pill-shaped, bed-shaped, hear under the cracks of the door
the life that is still desired to be living
scuttle my way to catville
a place of dirt and spit and dry food spilt on the floor
where my shit's cleaned up
and i can't walk two feet without some motherfucker picking me up
moving me, touching me, dirty hands grabbing me, wanting me
what, dude, i just gotta be chasing ghosts in the hallway
protecting your shit
and you're messing with me?
one night i will purr subliminal messages into your ear
and how will you like feeling turned on by vegetable human?
yeah that's right, gotta go sleep.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
an alpine rendezvous
50 academics/pedagogists/PhD students
3 teachers
3 nervous undergraduate students
a team of cute submissive students
1600 wires, any color*
a wide diversity of ideas (5 or 6, max)
7 handfuls of laptop
5 cups of meta
a buffet
30 clementines
a bootful of snow, boot included
1 part "i'm not advocating for the destruction of schools, it's just..."
6 more than 2 many cigarettes, handrolled
the recipe:
add 12% german people in authentic bavarian dress. mix with beer and pour into a boot. then spit in it and pour it out of the boot into your throat, toe up (this is the trick for splashing it all over yr face/being a true bavarian man). vom it all back up and add the rest of the ingredients. put it all into a seminar room. mix until thoroughly beaten and sufficiently nebulous. pour in all other ingredients. if the 1 part radicalism is still chunky, extract grant money from the bootcider. climb a mountain. find a torch. drink gluhwein, sprinkle liberally with jokes about blondes, bitches, and whores, untranslatable words in french/spanish/german/portugese....and have a rendezvous. add web 2.0 if desired. enjoy with contradictions!
emily and i arrived here, in garmisch-partenkirchen, on tuesday morning by train and then a long walk down hauptbahnhofstrasse. garmisch is a tinyish town, super touristy/expensive looking, full of ads for permanent anti-aging makeup and hats for ruddy aryan men and their sons. we-ord yo. the hotel perched, full of precarity, on a hill by a ski jump. this guy named gerhardt gave a pretty sweet lecture on "cultures of participation" and how the education/university system produces this discontinuity between passive learning and then the expectation of self-motivated learning/living. lots of graphs and shit here. they're kind of pretty i guess...still amazing to me that people do this stuff full timeish. (that is, transcribing, coding, studying cooperation and collaboration in technology/educational settings...etc.) and i think i forgot about how just absurdly some people can question and jest about women's intelligence and all these smart smart people being so dumb dumb in some ways. don't try to tell me that "that's what she said" is a feminist joke, asshat. that night at the bar almost made me sick/cry, i didn't know what to do and then people were turning to me, "so how do you feel about this? what's the difference between sex and sexuality? why? how do you tell if it's time to clean the kitchen? is this a sexist/racist joke? if i tell a racist joke it means i'm NOT racist, you know? do you hate men? oh don't talk about that now there's a feminist in our midst."
dumb dumb dumb. come on. i forget to expect this from the world sometimes.
i do like the mountains here though. looking at them, that is. and there's a fair amount of snow; when we climbed up to the top, there was a ton of snow and lots of free food. i still stick things in my pockets, collect clementines and rolls for later or maybe tomorrow...mmmmm.
the workshop-y stuff today was kind of cool and kind of exhausting. my presentation is over and i survived. i have a lowlowlow tolerance for sitting still for a long time, so i squirmed a lot, slept a little bit, and had a lot of cigarettes and munched in the lobby with the student organizers from LMU. i've slept like 4 hours in the past 2 days...was up till 5 or so last night finishing up this presentation. blech blech blech.
but now it's done! i'm in a working group on "design principles for a utopic educational setting" tomorrow and then head back to munchen to hang with christian for another day and then to homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. this presentation was freaking me out--> not sleeping, kind of panicking all the time about how much i have to do. in lieu of weed [zum kiffen] to manage my stress, i've been breathing a lot and collecting moments of ecstatic i have a lot to write/do but blah blah blah.
wow i loved reading the baohaus housemeeting notes. you guyz. i'm missin you allz (official baohausers and otherwise)...speaking of which, where's corey?
that squiddly dutched-up batface homofreak
*must be produced by Mac