Some news on one of our feline friends...

Baby adjusted really well to the move, way way better than I would have even guessed, actually. He seems to have more energy and grown more friendly. I haven't seen him this interested in people and things since he was a kitten. He runs around the house and plays with toys, and even lets people pick him up. I took him to the vet and he is negative for leukemia (although they want to do another test in 2 weeks) and he also lost two pounds since the last time I took him to the vet, and I haven't even put him on any regimen.

We're pretty happy with everything up north, although the whole shift in lifestyle is a big one. I find that I have no time, which is a mixed blessing. I miss you all. Hope to see you soon. You're welcome here anytime!
oi, good to hear from you and mr baby! glad you're well, adjusted, perhaps even well-adjusted...seein so many cats wandering the streets here makes me miss ours.