Thursday, April 24, 2014

feel like i'm going batty
hung upside down in the dark
i open my eyes to try and see but all i hear are the sounds

i reach for the foods just to live
but if i was brave enough, i'd let myself wither
and live off this feeling alone

i am always listening for you
so why do i find that only despair comes to visit?

i am battling my body
my body is battled
my battle i embody

i cannot support this,, it angers me beyond any other measure
i cannot be at war with myself
there are much larger wars outside that deserve, nay, call on my attention
for too many years have we been kept away from power, turned against our own selves
fractured and in conflict
at war with our bodies
this self-hatred is not mine and i renounce it

it is so difficult to think what you do with your day is right
when there is no one around to agree with you

it is hard to find the strength to plant another seed, to visit another rock, to speak to the sky
when you do not know who that seed will feed
or why
words seem to ripple off unanswered

 so many voices to be this or that to be relatable to others
be quiet, be sexual, be fabulous, be a bitch, be gay, be straight
when all i really want to be is this welling in my chest
all i really want to be are these tears in my eyes
all i really want is a place to put this anger

women across the world are still punished for eating of the tree of wisdom
i would eat a thousand more!
they are silenced, they are eaten with words, gestures, deeds,
in the name of male gods
in the name of oh fathers and oh lords
oh woman, oh mother you are so rich in your struggle, you are so very strongly, powerfully unalone
man, how do you get led so obsessively to evil?
how did you stray so far from the love of your equals?

oh woman, oh girl, oh mother, oh womb
oh holy heart full of dread, compassion; love and revenge

the animals
the animals
the animals
of our planet are fleeing
i don't know that there are safe places left for them to run to

every shriek, cry, post on facebook rings like a state of alarm

the humans
the humans
the humans
we too it feels do not know what to do
awaiting instruction, quivering across the wide web, anxious in our beds
running to the city, running to the wild
awaiting a great rally
can we take back the earth? altogether this time?

it feels like i will spend my whole life seeking the innocence taken from my childhood
it feels like i will spend my life defending my childhood
freedom, come back to me
i need so to be unafraid in the face of pain

they say we already fell from grace
but i continue to fall and lift myself everyday

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