Sunday, August 8, 2010

Q: What are you doing for the revolution?

A: driftbicycling, wanderwalking, gravestonelooping, furnituresquatting, eyeopening

t-rex and I wandered around chicago by bike today 10:00 am to 12:00 am without direction, observing city fabrics and stitches, car lots and cigarette stores, garage sales, vine-covered duplexes and block parties. an august afternoon, not too hot and chicago is celebrating.
my eyes, feet, butt, and thighs are exhausted.

this city is a place that I will miss.

oh oh starlight compost how will we drift through the california foothills? will there be mariachi music? will there be revolution?


  1. haha! the name of the woman I am potentially farming with. when are you coming back to chi-chi?

  2. i like this picture of you!
    i have been pondering this question, thinking more of armed insurrection and tyrannical u.s.-backed dictatorships and the rising-up of the working class flanked by the students...
    but maybe it is also all the same, all beginnings and sparks and
    starlight compost
    :) can`t a wait a to see ya soon
