Thursday, June 3, 2010

a letter to the police

dear fort morgan county police force & jail,

fuck you.
i won't deign to thank you for releasing donte today. fuck you for your long-winded bureaucratic oppression, your institutionalized racial and sexual profiling, and for locking up my friend.
this world might be safer and happier if you quit, closed down, and went home to your families and friends and acted like real, compassionate human beings.
oh, and fuck you to police in general for gathering en masse on my doorstep to "protect" east hyde park from black kids hanging out on the stoops. fuck you. we don't need your "protection" or your fearmongering.

yours, with relief and continuing anger,

1 comment:

  1. that pretty much covers it. also, dear police, please stop creepily parking in alleyways with only the nose of your creepy little car peeking out. it's just not ok.
