Friday, February 24, 2012

a common now is achingly situated and aware of itself
there is no plain hour to lean on in the wake
of the musuemed hours already come to pass.
we are held in the hollow body of time
wondering and never resting

there is something i would like to get off my chest:
in general the present does not exist !
it's a constant rug being pulled or
a kaleidoscope anguish
between what was
and will be

seventy five per cent of moments feel brittle to the point of crumble
fragile with the residue of mirrors.
and for some this is it:
from beginning to end
uncertainty humiliates
our attempts
to hold on.

this is terrifying?
it is if you're not IVed to smoking weed
or working or drunk
we're so busy
making it look like we're alive
and that this is easy.
as if we have nothing to do but coffee around and look into reflections of ourselves
in store windows, car windows, pages and screens friends and lover's faces
as if nonchalantly extant.

i think we're dying because we're not swept off our feet or
taken out of brains so we stop thinking about it all.
we go on buying smiles and orgasms!
as is if there is a tic toc enough for such boredom.
loathe the person that says with their life:
i survive casually
living is something just happening to me, unplanned
my flesh and i ride it out.

and love?
the thing we all hold out for
love tries to be a feeling of reflectionless light
that strips back the lies we're hiding behind.

we realize that we could be having more fun
or something along the lines of we need to die
to even begin to want to be alive.
but right now it seems we're just flat blind

our bulimic quest for
possibility +

is a storm of endless jars
each holding a little bit of something
but no single jar seems to have enough to be anything
never much, never quite satisfying.


  1. while reading eliot's post today, i saw the tag "GAHHH FINALLY" on the side of the screen. clicked it to see what post came with such a tag,
    and it was this one!

    1. wow, thanks z for showing me this
      so glad this website has documented things like that
      weird to read glad to read it
      glad to read you too

  2. also, ii once asked roy why he was alive (rememner roy? friend of yaron?) and he said intertia! and i was so shocked and he said well im not in my 20s anymore, im over it.
    just a perfect example of surviving casually. a great challenge for me / us in these days of living in other people's houses, using the governments money to feed ourselves
    because every time i go on craigslist to think about looking for a place to lay my head
    i humilitate myself
    i degrade my wild animal soul
    who can make a home anywhere
    and doesnt want your permission
    or a fucking lease
    no i will not live in your dumb house for the turn of four seasons
    each month calls for a new residence
    a new outfit
    im foaming at the mouth,
    im gonna spit!!!!!

  3. oh yes i remember roy and i remember you telling me he said that
    not sure if i want that to become true for me

    and yes we could go curl up because we're bodies
    and we needn't pay for it

  4. yes indeed thank you for that reminder z
    and too tate
    bears and foxes and birds do not use craigslist
    or pay rent
    and in the world "abundance" is only code for pieces of green paper among the most alienated of species
    not to say i don't entertain it sometimes.

    a new outfit every month indeed!

    also tate
    that something in your words resonates with the smallness i was feeling when last i posted
    that it is easy to feel
    and that at temple dance the other day, i found some hugeness, some depth and oldness and maybe swept myself off my feet or maybe spirits did or
    i dunno
    but that's real, something we have found with dancing into other worlds and then traveling back together.
