Thursday, February 23, 2012

loose ends

geez i am feeling so confused today about what the fuck i am doing here
i am craving depth and desire
and history
and memory
and houses of poetry
made of air and skin
more solid than my current lists of numbers and words
piles of paper and cardboard,
glass and plastic,
everyone doing their little part of this city game

i am frustrated
i have this new stupid job
knocking on peoples' doors
making them care about wilderness and pay at the same time
i don't know how long i will do it for
it makes me want to leave my life
doors swinging on their hinges
that fraction of myself crumpled up under my stupid binder as the rest flies away in a blaze
on the other hand
it is a good challenge--
an opening--
an opportunity for tiny performances if i can summon the chutzpah--

stones rising up into my throat

what is possible seems to change so much from moment to moment
face to face
what is prioritized, what is the reason,
each one with its own world of rules and experience
it is so easy to think myself into their skins and feel bounded for a moment
of course they too are probably barely contained by their skin
and then materially all we city-dwellers are living in little boxes
moving among little boxes
that is undoubtedly part of the confusion

we are not talking about answers
most things seem wrong
but i don't believe in dichotomies
i am speaking in mythic proportions
of a need for mythic proportions
or else nothing makes sense,
nothing to weave together these cups of coffee and text messages
moments of silence and noise, money changing hands,
walking around saying words
(like 1:30 4:30 $ @ && ? , " " @ * :: 3 50 1000 = /)
as a tactic for fighting the fight,
why we try why i try
why do we do what we do
what do you believe in
and how do you remind yourself that you are a powerful and magical creature

ugh ugh ugh monsters monsters monsters


  1. "these cups of coffee and text messages,
    moments of silence and noise" you could make a whole dance piece out of this huh?

    the only thing i know how to do about all of this
    is party
    work hard and celebrate
    work in the dirt eat the sun eat the work you do
    then get drunk and love
    do it all over again
    get together with friends, don't worry we're here, work under the sun, feel the rain, celebrate, get dressed up, make fun of me then ill make fun of you, be tired kiss lips and the bodies you're drawn to
    you're own as well.
    work hard and play.

    1. yes please thank you
      i'll tuck it in my hat-heart
