Monday, March 19, 2012

it's real it's real if it's real to you

[it is not a mess]
or, it's not a mess

it is tufts of hair and
my dandruff under your fingernails
balls of inch-long threads saved for the tiniest project

dead skin that used to be bread you made me
floss used by our best friends--
isn't it good that we have friends.

even when it's
smeared whiteface waterfall stories
we pass around pain
with promises that we will not offer only trauma as sacrifice to love

(why did we all pull the devil card?)

[and then lift up your head]
spring's coming! equinox on monday--whatcha up to! whatcha planning! spring cleaning? jumping around? planting seeds? tending toward? leaving behind? taking up again? renewing a connection with? calling out? with?
i have had so much paralysis around time and scheduling and being organized recently. it has made it tough to reach out to my buddies brothers faraway family. that's real. and between global warming and travelling east south west north winter has been a skewed kind of simmering quiet; not as much soup as expected; but i am oh yes oh yes ready for the energy these longer days are bringing in. shit's blooming up here in the northwest. doors and flowers and hearts opening and closing like doors and flowers and hearts. my body's been bubbling with tension anger energy enthusiasm desire--today i accidentally threw it all energetically at someone in a coffeeshop and watched him skitter--it's real it's real. i think i'm running trailing rhizomes--

[oh fuck yes]

[and the wreck du jour]
oatmeal + miso + olive oil + hot root or a ferment of your choice

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