Wednesday, March 21, 2012


cresting, creasing into...
like that last moment between waking & sleep
when we remember how to trust...

ghosts scrambling into
recitations: will you still love me when i
disappoint you? will you? will you?

there's somethin shocking about
the newborn (goats!)
that knock-kneed unknowing
fur that is butter-soft, almost-summer-soft

bleating for milk
we older ones:
curds clinging to the 
corners of mouths
(some kind of sour, years turning, 
heat and cycles and thickening)

watchin the little ones battle their mother for her body as she parades away their jaws and sounds lolling i thought their mouths were full of blood except really it's the color, raw freshest red,
tongues that are only three days enchanted by this world. 

cry & beg for hot life running down yr throat while
the stillborn feeds the mud.


  1. was there a stillborn or few in the litters?
    are they even called litters or is that rude?
    i want to meet these butter bleating battalions of babies!

  2. wow i feel like "funny feelings on farms" is a very useful tag for this blog... i could go through so many of my previous posts and add that one on......

  3. truuuuuuuuue that. can't believe it took t.aceae to start it, right?
    see for reference: all posts tagged windward, most of the posts from finnriver, most of the posts tagged brazil
    okay actually i just ALWAYS have funny feelings too.
