Wednesday, December 9, 2009

This is how I heard it.

I spent a lot of time thinking last night.

It's the little things, it's always the little things.

Is it a big deal for one of us to ask another person to stop doing something if it bothers them? No. Of course not, but for the record, I felt like I was talked to last night for a split second like a dog or a stupid child. Even if it wasn't intentional, even if maybe Eliot or Tamara or Eli don't "see" it that way, I felt humiliated and angry because I felt like someone had said, "BAD DOG" to me.

I know I have a short fuse, I know that as a result, I "ruined" the rest of the game, which I had been thoroughly excited about, and I'm sorry about that, sincerely. I know that my anger was perhaps disproportionate to the offense, but I felt belittled and disrespected. The room felt tense immediately after I was yelled at.


and yet no one said anything until I had made a fool of myself. So I felt doubly stupid. Stupid child feels humiliated because teacher yells, "STUPID CHILD" but none of the other children say a word.

"Hey, Evelyn, could you stop doing that, it's bothering me."

I spent a really long time trying to figure out how I felt about this, and I don't like that when I tried to explain it this afternoon, I was told that how I felt wasn't valid. That only reaffirmed that I was being treated as lesser, invalid, and like a stupid child or dog. It doesn't matter if you didn't mean to make me feel that way, you succeeded, triumphantly.

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