Thursday, April 22, 2010

the briefest of interludes

found in summer travel journal, opened up to a random page, scrawled in blue blood:
"roly will name her first-born quentin."

other than that, i still have very little to say.


  1. i definitely felt this way after reading the sound and the fury

  2. wow what a great name.
    spawns "quinn," "tintin," "quenty," "quenn," "quenters," etc.
    i like "xavier" too, next time i get to name something besides myself. or maybe i'll be xavier. or everett.
    i like dwelling in the land of infinite possibilities of redefinition.

  3. a collaged addendum:
    "There are many forms of love and affection, some people can spend their whole lives together without knowing each other's names. Naming is a difficult and time-consuming process; it concerns essences, and it means power. But on the wild nights who can call you home? Only the one who knows your name."
    - j.winterson from "oranges are not the only fruit"

    good stuff.
