Monday, April 12, 2010

here we are

what labor we committed to in order to find each other
what searches for wheres and whens,
what riddles of this corner or the next,
this stranger's bed or that.
how we got to know one another through the voices of others
and the conversations with chance that assured us of our path.

how we danced around one another,
our lines grazing and flirting,
so close to touching but no not yet,
memorizing shared places and things,
learning of the other only through footsteps and echoes.

the way we patiently prepared to lock eyes one mere day and know
that we'd been here before
and it has the warm smell of home

1 comment:

  1. this is beautiful & so thrilling to read (the hows and ways, a funny form of charting practices)
    i hear you're coming to chicago soon!!!
    also thrilling and exciting. i can't wait to see you and evan, welcome you [back] to our ever-new-ever-old home
