Thursday, October 7, 2010

a baohaus update

so, they've FINALLY repainted the baohaus. it was a team of really cool looking, not very professional (bring your kid to work day anyone?) painters, who commented on EVERYTHING they were painting. I know because I went in and introduced myself as a neighbor. They loved the scrawls, they thought the paintings showed great talent (ahem ev), they thought the quote about the kilos of cocaine was nice, and they were under the weird impression that all of this was accomplished by one (1) male-bodied person. heh.
random quote: "some of the stuff he wrote was DEEP, wow!"
so it's a nice ending in my mind.
also, i finally rescued that door, cuz i figure they've definitely assessed the place by now, and they still haven't changed the lock on the back door. so the squid is back upstairs (daryl put it down again a while ago, long story).
lots of loooove


  1. seems appropriate, somehow. strangely. thanks for sharing...i'm missing those walls, that space. do you know if anyone took some pictures of the walls near the end?

  2. hrm not sure
    but i have some on my flickr i thinks. mmm no nm. they on my computer.
