Wednesday, December 12, 2012

baby dyke-o-rama

first, actually
hi, i read this sometimes
it's really intense.
i dont do much on the internet but email these days
thank you for sharing your feelings and findings.
i don't know if i can do that in this form
but i love you
and i love this
(i'm talkin to you t'mo)

and second,
i just found this little piece
written at age 18  (you may remember it from que(e)ry #1, which was created january 16th, 2009... 4 years ago now)
i used to do writing exercises of 100 words
here's one

100 words
Listen: I just want some cunt. I want to gaze at cunt. I want to breathe cunt. I want to inhale odorous cunt. I want to kiss cunt. I want to consume the air that surrounds cunt. I want to caress cunt. With my fingerprints, with my lifeline, with my taste buds—both sweet and bitter—, with my eyelashes, with my nostrils, with my knuckles. I want to curl the curls, the lips, and then dive, probing for mysteries and miracles alike to behold, and upon finding, marvel in silent—or not—awe. For a good time call

1 comment:

  1. oh i had to remember when i read this twice
    that "intense" doesn't meet "bad-too much-etc."
    is not a reason
    just is.
    (you're right)

    babydykes growing up into other things and into dykes and into bigger and smaller bodies and into new smells and rougher fingers
