Monday, November 15, 2010

bug-eyes, holes in the ground, peeing on lawns

yesterday i fed the bunnies alfalfa pellets and hugged ruben from behind as he stirred mikey-the-goat-meat chili for lunch,
today i woke up in a mummybag on a white carpet of a floor of a house in columbia city in seattle in a different world.
i have not been posting much recently, though i've been reading avidly and thinking about it,
guess because relationships in my world were moving and shifting,
reading about the diggers in california in the 60s, the san francisco mime troupe and the free family setting up explosive cultural-overhaul communes left and right,
and what do i think? in any moment? and what am i doing, what are we doing?
i am full of vivid images...a winter picnic at the edge of the plateau we lived on, andrew communing with a twisting oak that leaned out over the edge. sarah and i dancing with finger puppets performing a drama of interspecial romance in high british accents as walt watched and smiled and occasionally muttered puns. the front stoop of my trailer. hands twisting in the dark, our last slumber party at windward, and where is the line between sensual and sexual. the feeling of the kitchen at night after everyone had gone to bed and i sat alone with a notebook.

driving into seattle was something
at first the lights were exciting
then i realized i couldn't look at things fast enough,
too much too fast,
so i closed my eyes and played seven with ethan.

the world is big! the universe is loving! all people are beautiful!
i am excited to set out soon (wednesday i think?) on my way down south, traversing new worlds and unknown territories, seeing how my life looks when i offer it in stories. i am excited to see my family-friends-community, thread together different worlds we live in. i am excited to walk outside and smoke a cigarette.

so hello and hello and hello...

1 comment:

  1. surprise hugs are the best ;)

    hey, you coming in? the water's fine
