Tuesday, February 1, 2011

emotional funks lead to funky beats and bleats

Wow, I am feeling abundant today!

Learning more about astrology, and coming to appreciate my own divine make-up (aries, with lots of pisces and capricorn) as well as the diversity of every individual.
Realizing my learning style is about enjoyment: if I can bliss out with some dubstep and a staff or hula hoop, a couple hours later I'll have found some new tricks.
Bria's taken me on a lot of journeys with my power animals (so far owl, whale, and scarab are coming up a lot) and when I get a soar throat I realize it's about some communication faults with my mom, and go into the underworld to return her soul piece that's gotten lodged in there. It's working remarkably well, as both times now the sour trout in my throat has disappeared almost instantaneously afterwards.
It's incredible how linked our bodies and psyches are.
I've wandered up into the jungle to see the natives living so simply; making crafts and roasting iguanas.
I've performed a clown show in the little town of punta banco, complete with my beatboxing troupe 'the divine fools' and some aerial hoop silliness.
I'm still eating a lot of guacamole.

Haven't drunk alcohol now since november!

Sometimes when everyone gets super new-age and culty, I tell them a story by Sorokin just to weird everyone out.
Sometimes we have "white tantra" workshops in which we say everything we love about ourselves and each other. It's pretty high, high like kundalini dance.

The sun has just set over the beach, and I'm readying myself for the walk up the super-steep hill. Clayton will teach us some more about sacred intimacy tonight.

oh! close your eyes, imagine a scene. within that scene, imagine a geometrical shape. how big is it? what is it made of? what color is it?
now imagine a ladder, somehow in relationship to the shape.

next time I post I'll tell you how these relate to your heart and soul!
keep bright. I want to visit chicago and sf sometime. I miss your smells.

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