Monday, July 13, 2009

awaken, arise, unburden

Not much action round here. Where's the coffee? someone throw some coffee on everything. There. Much better. mmmmm that's boiling.
Seriously, this blog is too empty.
A personal update: a few nights ago I decided to sleep on the beach in tel aviv which was a beautiful idea as it turned out because the waves were a sweet, sweet lullaby and I fell right asleep which for me is pretty uncommon well but anyway I would've slept like a baby all night and at one point for sure I was definitely sleeping like a baby but then by some vague, subconscious inuition I was suddenly awakened and thus awake I noticed that my backpack was conspicously not, despite my utter certainty that it indeed had been.
I was forced to realize that it was simply in a different place than when I went to sleep and also to realize that I would likely never know the location of this other, more mysterious place. So now I have a lot less stuff.

If you know me at all, you won't be surprised that I feel more relieved than anything else. I have my passport and wallet and cash, and ukulele goddamn if they'd gotten the uke that would be different but luckily it's still here, along with Ali's sweater cuz losing two friends' favorite articles of clothing in 1 year would have been too much to bare, and yesterday I played ukulele in the street near a tel aviv mall and some people must have just gotten lucky or something, because I made $5 in around 40 minutes. whew!

1 comment:

  1. yeah! you are a master busk-sir. strains of your uke are wavering in my head.
    oh dude you should check out actor slash model--it's simon strikeback's band and anastasia and i saw them play last weekend. bluegrass tranny folk-ish? there's a mad sweet uke and a big bass? and they have a myspace mmm check it yo

    love love
