Friday, July 31, 2009

non lyrical

hello blog,
i am new but you all know me.

I left my long time unfortunate home of chicagoland 2 days ago,
and find myself in a whole foods outside of seattle, WA right now after crossing the flat fields of corn, soybeans, wheat and alfalfa; the rocks of prehistory jutting out of the earth, dry dry deserts of sagebush and not much else; beige lands for hundreds of miles, and then conifer mountains and soonly the sea!
made a new buddy-- karen from michigan. tons of good food filling our little turtle of a minivan. she just had a job interview here at whole foods-- she'll be a health counselor here in about six weeks, so good for her and good for the internet where we found another buddy to let us stay in his house in bismarck! and my mom's cousin in post falls, idaho.

anyway. going to indulge in some celebratory hemp milk ice "cream" now-- karen's fave.
more thoughts on leaving and goodbyes and modern life later.

also happy 23rd birthday to my big sista becci
and to me on the occasions that I am harry potter

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