Friday, July 24, 2009

Emerging from the depthssss

I've been sort of laying low for a while. Lots of work and thinking. Here's some words that possibly vaguely describe what I've been up to: art, biking, Boston, fantasy novels, sex.


This isn't something I plan to do right now, but I'm going to start feeling my friends out in about a week and then actually get this brilliant plan EXECUTED.

Basically, my dad is pretty lonely when I'm not around here, and I've been trying to convince him to get a cat! Why a cat, you ask? Well, for those that know my father, they may also know that he's completely into cats, and often asks me for pictures of Baby, the adorable terror that haunts the halls of 5491. He also constantly sends me pictures, youtube videos, and articles about felines.

But he won't get one!

My PLAN is this... and the more people who help me out on it, the better. Basically, I'd love it if people sent my dad letters encouraging him to get a cat, but the key is, they should be written as though by cats. That can really mean whatever you want, I just want to make my dad feel a bit less lonely. Whether that is by getting pictures of adorable cats or getting a cat himself, I do not know!

I will work out a much more... uh, better, explanation when I actually ask people though...


  1. well...
    what's his address?

  2. yeah, could i email him as a cat?
    like answering a craigslist ad--i'll include a pic, most def.
    yeah also i'd sent postcards.
    what kind of taste in cats does he have?
