Thursday, October 15, 2009

a joint-op operation

Leli does not want to watch tv...
said the hermit crab in a moment of lucid brilliance. 
Take me home! no, wait-
Cries of "free, free Palestine" mingle with hippie jam bands whining through weak speakers.  The question is, what's weaker here?  The speakers or the coffee.  I think it's the the nylons ridden with runs that wrap around Malic's ribcage, girl parts bursting forth.  Almost.  Not quite.  Leli knows that Malic is a boy now. 
It pours in rains and torrents of droves like pidgeons sitting-toed all in 1 well-tended & perma-coifed row.
it covers the sky but not the bird cry or the rip, rip, ripping of a nylon lie-
Leli ran into Terrence today. If Leli were as jacked on sugar as Terrence, maybe he, too could put on a 3-minute performance in the Reynold's club lobby consisting of nothing but coughing, coughing, and more coughing, 
"Ack! hhhg ick ahchem ack ack kcha hrrrrg rrrr ack ack ack!"
He put ten packets of sugar into two cups of coffee and swallowed it down in two gulps. Leli watched in horror as the sugar swam, from his throat to his stomach, from his stomach to his blood, from his blood to his head, from his head to his eyes, darting out of his face - and his eyes to his hands -
PAKOW! they explode into space.

He escaped lecture today by playing sick.  The boy who cried wolf . Leli says that Malic seems disillusioned.

Our lives are disjunctional.  We are consuming, consuming.  Yet we reject coffee and blocks of bison meat with ease.  Perhaps we can eliminate one by one--the flesh, the dairy, the smoke that slithers--until we purify into a poof (PAKOW!) of everything and nothing.  Like snakes eating their tails.

"It's hard to hang out and not consume.  We consume each other," Rolly says.

Wise words from sequined squid.


  1. i really like this. i will comment again when i have further thoughts...this is food for response but my squidstomach is so empty that right now i produce only inky bile:
    "i really like this."

  2. Well wrote, Leli and Malic! Well spoke, Rolly!
