Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sunday Mourning

Some random thoughts:

I went to a punk show and I wore my most punk clothes - to share in the spirit, ostensibly. But now I realize that the reason almost everybody there looked the same was that they all wanted to share in the spirit. They all wanted to believe. An exercise to the reader: why is this a problem?

I used to think nature was groovy wavy smooth in a way that computers could never become. Last night I decided that anything becomes digital on a small enough scale. And only now I've realized that all patterns are new and old, wave and particle, cynical and not.


  1. You can't want to believe, you just have to know. Failing that, try and trust?

  2. yeah, short of belief it's also about recognition, yeah?
    in party scenes
    on sidewalks
    it feels good to look at someone and think "ohhh they are like me/we have something in common/maybe they are on my team." and in the party everyone wants everyone to know they're punk too. and on the street punks look different, they're outsiders like so many other kinds of outsiders that look for each others sparks in seas of strange-sterile sameness.
