Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Ive made it from asphalt and then through the skies I've emerged on the German side of things and I was nervous walking off the plane did I make the right choice in coming here? All my demons were there in the waiting hall holding signs up with my different names on them. I walked past, wig shielding my face. Not today guys. But a few still caught on followed me into the day. Not until now, many cigarettes and some drinks later, do i shake them off. No drama, just beat it. Arrived a few hours ago at my new home for some months. Fabian and Anetta are the bee keepers, and they are spry and kind kind. Their words are earnest, eyes and mouths earnest, skin bright. I forgot the way Europeans tend to inhabit their expressions much more than Americans. It's very refreshing to experience spirited mundanity like this. I have a good room here that has wood floors enough for dancing I have my bike with me (I successfully got it across the Atlantic) What friends we have become, my bike and me I know how to take care of it more than ever now New tires, new chain, new dérailleur, new cassette. Fabian is going to teach me about bee keeping and work is very flexible so I can dance and live as I want. This week we are going to set up hives in the city as the linden trees will be blooming His wife anneta does wood block carving/printing so I hope to mooch off her knowledge too. I saw my friend Martin who I haven't seen in two years and there is still a strong bond not to mention a healthy and intriguing tension between our bodies. it was everything to arrive here and have a not to feel alone. The destructive side of my independence is never far away It is easily provoked If I am alone alone, meaning when I start feel like a placless familyless landless desinfranchised orphan I can get very defensive and reactionary and work myself into weird states. Madness, demigod martyrdom, epic flesh, death dance. So I am glad to be in this place and get a grip on My Shit, because that is what it is. I am glad to be here among all these trees and lakes... to have a spot to swim as the summer thickens. Glad for honey. Glad for my friends. The family I do actually have. On my way over here I thought of you all so much and wanted to turn back and quit all the questions. But now that I am here I know this will be good, and you all will appreciate the changes it will bring over me. Love from Berlin.

1 comment:

  1. *actually Anetta is kind of a grumpy asshole
    Fabian is great
