Thursday, May 3, 2012

someone is always saying that something is on the verge of happening and susan sontag says that's the mark of a feeble mind and i don't know and my god is there a lot of information in the world

lip stain or lipstick
no matter
when we are young
our sentences are always spittle thick
a lot of forelock tugging and hand wringing
has been spilt over the fact that
you can't learn this unless you learn this yourself

baby still loves short skirts and mens' shoes
thick greek yogurt and lace
the same echo laden drums and lyricless scandinavian confections
but she honestly regrets
the drag donned in sped up moments of "that's hilarious"
"you should definitely do that"/"totes adorbs"
honestly regrets
dates in hamburger joints
bitterly regrets
the years it took to learn to speak
the spit that flew from between the lips
the obfuscating gurgle of youthful speech
the block at the back of the throat
but does know that she may have slobbered on a lot of things

should princess write a phd thesis on "empiricism and scientific method in the art-making process" or should she become known as the "academy's arsonist, university-owned building firebug, notorious leveler of expensive architectural achievements" in all the papers? should she mummify the lincoln memorial with wheat paste and dollar bills? should she become a buddhist who also welds? can she still join a convent and write for an online publication about tantric sex? should she throw away all her clothes or keep things til they're nothing but dust? what's most affordable these days?

ho hum
sold a worthless bill of goods
and still paying for it on credit
hope you can still run away to europe
and forget the daze you spent here
and all the men arrested on the sidewalks as you stumbled by

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