Friday, August 7, 2009

Los Angeles fo langeles bee bop bo bangeles..

BANG GOES THE DRUM, and you're in loooooove, and the show has begun.

Ok the love part is just that I have seen my dear friend Flora after a too-long separation (Christmas, but even longer than that because back in those faux-winter Los Angeles days, my mind was one-track and thus despicable), and we have roamed some of the familiar haunts: Cacao (the nastiest hippest coffee shop on the westside because it stays open til 3 am and you can illegally smoke inside), the bluffs (overlooking the ocean. blankets, wine glasses, and candles filled out the magic), and more to come.

Perusing the internets I feel that perhaps I will never be alone again as there are so many electronic music and burning man-type events going on in this city in the next few days. The world is suddenly so accessible and small. Unfortunately Flora is working very hard canvassing for gay marriage so the buddyness of my adventures is somewhat restricted but,

My family is weird. I hope that one day my father will be happy.

Has anyone seen Eraserhead? AGHHAGhh damn frightening. 
miss 5491!!! Can't wait to be back among the migrating books, cats, and dirty dishes.

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