Saturday, August 29, 2009

this is really what i wanted to post about today

last night asia and i biked up, late but committed, to daley plaza and met up with our critical mass bikebuddies--thousands and thousands (or so) bikers. what a sight! as we rode, first falling foot to foot and then speeding down hills and up bridges, chicago turned to watch. all along the route, people came out of their houses-apartments-businesses and waved and smiled when we yelled "happy friday!" and the cars honked and waved and gave high fives. all those cars sitting and waiting, waiting for the parade of bikers to hand the roads back over. (most of the cars were complicit except one car that hit a bike!)

when we stopped for an orange/cigarette/conversation, we watched the bikesnake slither through. (perhaps a manytentacled wheely squid?) then rode hard hard to catch up, ending up at 31st beach and just as we climbed up into the lifeguard chair to smoke a j, the blinking blaring band of bikes rode into the beach. what a sight.

if you haven't ridden critical mass, i encourage you to. (it's the last friday of each month and they meet at daley plaza downtown.) i feel much fonder of my bikealike, a sense of community with other bikes...and damn, almost as if i have a right to ride on the roads aside those fucking nasty semi trucks, SUVs, and more harmless breeds of gasdragons. i couldn't stop smiling.

and that feeling (the seeds of revolution) made me think of bukkaka and this very blog. hmmmmmmyeah!

at present, i'm trying to wriggle around in my skin a little, find my feet and gulp down some deep breaths...that is, alone with the cats in the house, smoking and listening to music and putzing (as my mother would say). still reeling-bathing in the glory of the wind on my face and the honking-WAHHH in my ears from yesterday night. it's inspired me to bike around more, bike more, bike everywhere.

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