Sunday, September 13, 2009

more robot theorizing

what is robot?
robot is
(how do robots feel spite, you may ask. I save this as an exercise to the reader)
and, most of all
robots follow the code.
which code? any code they're given. but they must follow it.

When you need to cross a busy street, do you wait for the walk sign or for the lull in traffic? why?

I don't hate all robots. there is value in code and protocol. however, I find myself aligned against them in the interest of freaks and shamans and mutants everywhere, because the robot code is capitalism's code and I stand for a DIY ethic that is quickly losing its place in our society. Thus, I must take a stand for individual weirdness, against the robots. Let it be known that I do this mainly for my own (metaphysical) amusement. My anger may have arisen out of sexual frustration, but by now it's become something much more valid and serious.


  1. i am on board when the forces of nonrobotic solidarity are summoned with great haste.
    i will arrive with pipe cleaners and sex toys and bits of sentimental detritus.

  2. i wonder what bukkaka would say about robots? they don't fit clearly into the fascist/revolutionary binary, though clearly in their adherence to order and potential to form a large militant force, they are possibly more like fascists. nonetheless, i'm not sure if spitting would reveal much.

    how do you trip up a robot?
