Tuesday, January 19, 2010

6am poetry

early morning, the 6 bus arrives and you haven't heard it yet which means you know it's 5:10am and the sun isn't out yet but that won't step the early early commuters and the late late partiers from northing on up to the loop and then to where? whatever the bus is probably empty anyway.

splitting fur

smoking sometimes in a sanguine shelter
licks of pain
and the presence of pleasure
and chiefly rabbits whose fur's notsomuch matted as stuck
like chunky spikes and the stench of your vomit
your stomach's half-cooked effluvia
like carrots on top of charmed pencil-cones and honey-tipped
bereavement, bake on high for days and days
a silent haze
stealing surely but quickly but layered
yes as in matisse but also as in beer
playing games with the foam-flecked freedom fighters
who move on diagonal when straight is too much
and jump through all hoops+garters to get to the finish
but now find themselves blind, dead and made of stone
or possibly cracked, malformed plastic
because the mold didn't hold
it wanders into alleyways and drifts past wrinkly whiskers
to speak in a desultory tone
that is
desultorily, not that we care
hush, listen:
the night is old, the sun is not up
the stones are cold, the wind is risen
the rattle of bones and the science of transit
will interweave their lessons into your dreams
and mine
and we won't even know.



    the transit of science stealing notsomuch shelter
    but pain desultorily, is blind to the will to wander

    stone hoops+garters

    YES, finish your days for days
    in the beer stench charmed vomit haze
    HEY! the effluvia made honey-cones half-cooked stones
    smoking spikes matted with whiskers
    carrots layered bones like the sanguine licks tone
    a matisse mold whose chiefly chunky
    foam-tipped and pencil-flecked rabbits on top of
    your stomach's risen alleyways and drifts
    wind and sometimes jump into themselves

    hush who find your silent malformed bereavement
    and rattle straight into the fighters
    now wrinkly in their freedom furs
    stuck too much to get their desultory lessons straight

    your sun is old, and the night is not mine
    to speak through the dead hold
    because cracked past the plastic diagonal
    it interweaves surely quickly possibly
    all dreams playing games on presence
    not that we care
    that we won't even know.

  2. ekphrasis:

