Thursday, January 21, 2010

more poetry!

not only is the house noisy, now it's smelly.
it's the 2nd nite in the last 3 that i've been unable to sleep.
i didn't write any new poetry but i still have 2 left over from the other nite, so.

tracking two

hell is a farm on the brink of mythology
and a starcruiser out of gas
or ionized starfuel, as it were
linoleum classroom floors amidst cellar doors
and pacified aggression.
instead of attack and decay on a boat
they say fore and aft -
nobody knows where it started
least of all the poet
but it always ends on a farm
or a starcruiser
- so how do i know?
definitionaly, like two layers of eggbread cottagecheese ripe bellpepper dip-spread aubergine and you have yourself a sandwich,
or a stomach ache
which maybe you've never seen face to belly, as it were
but there's never a doubt
catastrophically, we were upset at being upset at being upset but the twists never turned and the iceberg never hit and then crack, who to tell first?
but there was never a doubt never
and all along it's a terrible sound, round, like smells and heart-ache which are the representations which they thing
as in meta and for and foreign ambassador
and so we didn't elope on 20th may i mother may i
crush this lifeless caucus race
and sift through garbage
another day.

cubic resentment

the final clap clears away long before i climb into bed
to wit i awoke long before i realized i was awake
an unstable arrangement of reds and recordings
resentment and betrayal
movement and shame
and life.
there i was dripping and naked, sprawled on the floor
all a ringing and spinning and movement
did i mention movement
how lewd to move muscles that are not stringy green beans
not cooked overnight in cacophonic and moral certitude
and righteous nausea
which is a dish so dense that when it cracks it explodes,
rips in thirds lengthwise
and folds along mobius rows,
unwilled and impassive and generally burnt.
but so impelled to forget all my fears, i arose and prepared
for my grand entrance outwards
steam blowing behind, born by sheer nervousness
and sickness of mind.


  1. did i mention movement?

    shame the final clap
    of righteous moral nausea
    to wit i was awake before i awoke
    long before the climb cleared the floor
    arrangement ringing and spinning naked
    impelled to explode my grand entrance cooked
    overnight dripping lewd recordings of reds and betrayal
    burnt prepared to forget my life sprawled into impassive folds
    of cubic resent[i]ment lengthwise in thirds of the dense dish
    when it cracks behind the unwilled sickness of all my fears
    outwards born——

  2. mmmmmm i'm purring reading that
