Thursday, January 7, 2010

more on the birth of the internet, sweet sweet baby internet

this strip:
is funny (for nerds) and made me think a bit more about the birth of the lovely human-machine hybrid we disgustingly call "the internet".
i've gotten completely off pandora. to hell with pandora. i'll choose my own music, thankyouvermuch, and i'll do it without any "meta"help. i'm getting really good at it too - i snag rips of 12" dubstep eps hot off the lines from cheery england. i spin em up on my newly built, beautifully deep cabinets in my room - the great thing about putting ten-inch car subwoofers in your room is that then, when you press the "bounce" button built into your bed, the whole thing shakes up and down like 80s LA all over again.
the whole thing? the whole bed? no - the whole room! and i've gotten into the habit of impromptu homework-break dance-breaks, to breakbeat and dub and harcore, with the lights off so that no one on the street can spy on any of my ridiculous posturings through my ginormous plasticolored windows - they wouldn't understand!
but i know you would, fellow squids, which is why as soon as i get my recording studio set up (which with help from deklen should be soon) i'll start to stream live video of said dance-breaks to the blog. ultimately, the goal is to convince little baby internet that dancing is a human skill worth saving, if only ultimately for its own occasional amusement, post-singularity.


  1. a brief excerpt from my day...yesterday at a couchsurfing event (a strange intersection of internet community and reallife which suddenly became inadvertantly filled with an air of flirtation somewhat foreign to the website...):
    mr. febreze: are you a nard?
    me: a what?
    mr. febreze: a NARD. N-A-R-D.
    me: ahhhh a nerd. yes, i do identify as a nerd. i like to read things, learn about lots of things, i play pokemon...
    mr. febreze: my ex-girlfriend was a nard.
    me: oh? did she identify as a nerd? or do you call her a nerd?
    mr. febreze: i call her a nerd. she likes to study more than to fuck.
    me: ah. i like to study fucking, too.
    mr. febreze: hm.

    i like to think of you dancing. sounds like an awesome space. (does it really shake?) does anyone else in the house join your dancebreaks?
